Our skilled dental team utilizes the latest techniques and materials to create customized crowns and bridges that seamlessly blend with your natural teeth. We’ll work closely with you to develop a treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and aesthetic goals.
To make your treatment as comfortable as possible, you’ll have a choice of several sedation options to help you relax in the dental chair. Plus we offer pillows and blankets for cozy touches. For precise results, we even use the latest dental technology like digital X-rays and digital scanners for goop-free impressions.
If you’ve ever waited weeks for a dental crown, you’ll especially appreciate our CEREC system for one-day crowns. You can get your new crown in less than two hours. So there’s no need for a temporary crown or a return visit to our office.
You can receive:
- Crown for Tooth Repair – We’ll make your crown while you wait. You won’t need to schedule another appointment to get it placed.
- Standard Dental Bridge – Fill gaps in your smile with a bridge that anchors to your healthy teeth.
- Implant-Supported Crown – An implant-crown combination will replace a single missing tooth to restore your bite.
- Implant-Supported Bridge – While similar to a traditional bridge, this restoration is secured by dental implants. It helps protect you against bone loss in your jaw, unlike the traditional bridge. Plus, your dentist won’t need to reshape any healthy teeth.
Call Bonita Family Dental today at 619-257-4297 to schedule a consultation. Right now is a great time to repair your smile using Bonita dental crowns and bridges! You can also make an appointment .