If you’re feeling anxious about your upcoming dental care you’re not alone. Dental anxiety is a common issue that holds many people back from getting the care they need. If your anxious feelings lead to you avoiding essential dental care, you’re putting your smile and long-term health at risk.
Our team is committed to creating a comfortable, judgment-free environment that will have you looking forward to your appointments, not dreading them. We offer a comprehensive suite of anxiety-relieving solutions to cater to patients with varying levels of dental fear. To ensure your complete comfort, you’ll find cozy amenities like pillows, blankets, and a quiet recovery room.
Unlike many practices, we have an in-house anesthesiologist. So you can also choose any of several levels of sedation to help you relax during your treatment:
- Inhaled Minimal Sedation – You’ll breathe in pleasant laughing gas, which will quickly produce an all-over feeling of calm. It wears off fast and won’t leave you feeling groggy. Our other methods of sedation will require you to arrange a ride home after treatment, as their effects will linger.
- Oral Sedation – We’ll prescribe a small pill that you’ll take before your appointment to help you feel completely at ease.
- IV Moderate Sedation – Our team will administer a sedative through an IV, carefully monitoring the level of sedation you receive.
- Deep Sedation – You’ll be in a twilight state and remember little if anything about your procedure afterward.
- General Anesthesia – You’ll be unconscious during your procedure and won’t experience any of the sensations of your treatment.
No matter your level of dental anxiety, our empathetic team will work closely with you to develop a customized care plan that addresses your unique concerns. We’ll take the time to listen to your fears, answer your questions, and provide the compassionate support you need to feel safe and confident in our care.
Call Bonita Family Dental today at 619-257-4297 to visit the experts at relieving dental anxiety in Bonita. You can also make an appointment online.