With Halloween on the way, you may find it kind of fun to be scared. Some folks even seek out scary experiences like visiting a haunted house attraction. One place you don’t want to feel fear, though, is at your dental appointments. If you feel nervous at the dentist – and many people do – the Bonita Family Dental team can help you overcome dental anxiety.
To make a stress-free appointment, call us today at 619-257-4297. In the meantime, check out our helpful tips for feeling more comfortable when you see us:
- Come In Early – Some patients find it helpful to get their appointment out of the way early in the morning. That way, you won’t spend time during the day fretting about your visit. We offer appointments beginning at 7 a.m. Our office is often less busy then, which may also help you feel more at ease.
- Talk to Us – Share your concerns with us, along with any experiences that have contributed to your dental fear. This will help us develop strategies that can help. For instance, if you’ve experienced past difficulties becoming numb, you can receive dental sedation.
- Try Deep Breathing – It’s calming to breathe deeply and count each breath. Breathing deeply lowers your heart rate and reduces tension. It also signals your brain to tell your body to relax. You can practice deep breathing right before your appointment. During your appointment try concentrating on all of the muscles in your body, then relaxing different groups one by one.
- Signal for a Break – We can create a signal, like a raised hand, that will let us know if you need to take a quick break. This helps put you in more control of your care.
- Envision Positive Outcomes – Focus on the positive outcomes of your procedure. For example, if you’re getting a cleaning, you can think about how clean and fresh your teeth will feel and how great they will look. Congratulate yourself on taking a proactive approach to preventing cavities.
- Receive Dental Sedation – With an in-house anesthesiologist, we can offer a level of sedation appropriate for any procedure or level of anxiety – up to and including general anesthesia. Most dentists offer you only one or two common choices. Your dentist will discuss your options and help you find the type of sedation that is best suited to your situation.
Ready to overcome dental anxiety? Call Bonita Family Dental today at 619-257-4297 for an appointment in Bonita, CA. You can also make an appointment online.